Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Mall update

Paddy is buying Greg's mall build. The next step on the mall is to develop promotional items for Paddy to give away to promote the Second Life Orient Express, the SLFlyer, and railroading in SL. The mall will also offer opportunities for people to sell train-related objects through vendors.

Paddy is ready to look at (and pay for) possible promotional items. I suppose that might include standard work clothes for a train engineer or conductor, a tool kit or oil can to be worn, and a shovel to be carried over the shoulder. (These are just my ideas, not requests from Paddy. He may post his own ideas later.) I am also suggesting that the items take advantage of capabilities of SL. For example, objects can incorporate particles, images, sounds, landmarks, note cards, animations, etc. Paddy is going to want to have the things include visuals with branding aspects. I will suggest that people look for clever ways to promote general railroading in SL. For example, the SLFlyer project will produce note cards with landmarks and note cards about every railroad we can find in SL. Maybe you can think of a clever way (and non-irritating) way to have an object distribute those.

This is not a competition. Paddy will probably buy several promotional items so as to have a range of offerings. He will probably accept lots of items for vending. I don't know whether he will charge to host your vendor, but I don't think he will charge much.

Paddy is open to items from anyone. I will send a notice the the Hobo's since there a lots of skilled SL artist there.

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